***November 10th 2020 update: this call to retrieve photos has now ended. Unclaimed photos will be discarded.

If you sent a photograph to be published in the Interior News prior to 2003 and have never received it back, we may be able to help! While cleaning out our storage space, we recently came across two boxes of Interior News photographs submitted by local residents. They include many baby photos, school/graduation photos, and photos of couples or weddings. Most of them appear to be from the 1990s to the early 2000s, although there are a few from earlier decades, with the oldest dating back to the 1940s. In total, we found well over 500 photographs.

Many of the photos had names and phone numbers written on the back, or were found in envelopes marked “please return to _____”. In an effort to reunite these photographs with their original owners, we’ve written out an alphabetical list of all the surnames found on their backs. Please note that it wasn’t always clear whether the name referred to the person in the photograph or the person who donated it. Also, spellings may not be exact, as they had to be discerned from the handwriting – which wasn’t always the clearest! We apologize for any spelling errors.

Please reach out to us by e-mail (info@bvmuseum.org), phone (250-847-5322), or Facebook if you believe that we may have your photographs. You are welcome to come pick them up at the museum, but please let us know in advance so that we can find them for you ahead of time (it takes a while to sort through them all!). If you are unable to pick them up yourself or have someone come in for you, please let us know and we can e-mail you a scanned copy. Any photos that are not claimed before November 6th will either be added to our collection or recycled.

**Please note that photos will be returned on a first-come, first-served basis**

Feel free to spread the word – let us return a piece of your history to you!

Family names:


Abu Khadra, Adema, Alfred, Allaire, Allen, Andrews, Angus, Arnold, Atchley, Ayers


Baker, Barbosa, Barce, Barendregt/Berendrengt, Barge, Bateson, Beebe, Beerney, Behn, Berarducci, Berg, Berton, Birnie, Blackstock, Blackwater, Bock, Boone, Borrett, Bowd, Bradford, Brandsma, Brenton, Brook/Brooks, Brown, Bruintjes, Brunjell-Heinrichs, Bundock, Burns, Bustard


Cachia, Caden, Callison, Cameron, Candela, Capak, Cardinal, Carlisle, Carroll, Carter, Chadsey, Chamberlain, Chapman, Charlie, Checko, Chudyk, Chung, Clarke, Cocks, Cole, Collins, Contumelias, Cormier, Coupe, Couture, Cramer, Craven, Croft


Dahl, Dahlie, Daly, Daniels, Davey, Davies, Deacon-Rodgers, DeJong, Delany, Dennis, Den Boer, Dennis, Depka, De Rooy, Derrick, DeWit, Dial, Dieleman, Dietzfelbinger, Disensi, Dizazzo, Djokic, Dobek, Dominic, Donald, Doornbos, Doyle, Driedger, Dubroy, Durkin, Dunbar, Dunn, Dwerichenk, Dyck, Dygala


Edgecumbe, Egan, Elken, Elliott, Elmore, Elsner, Emmelot, Endcaott, Ennis, Ewald


Farenholtz, Ferguson, Fjellgaard, Floris, Flynn, Foekens, Forsythe, Fowler, Frazer, Friessen, Fuller, Fulljames


Gabel, Gale, Gammie, Gellenbeck, George, Giddings, Gies, Giguere, Gingras, Giroux, Gislason, Goble, Goncalves, Good, Goodacre, Goodwin, Goudy, Graf, Granskoy, Gray, Green, Greenhalgh, Greenlees, Greenwood, Greer, Grice, Grudgfield


Haggard, Hale, Hales, Hall, Halvarson/Halverson, Hamming, Hanson, Harding, Harmati, Harris, Hartman, Haywood, Hedeen, Heideman, Helkenberg, Hinchliffe, Henry, Hetherington, Hidber, Hiemstra, Higginbotham, Hindle, Hines, Hite, Hobenshield, Hoffwelsben, Hofsink, Holland, Hollyoak, Hooper, Hoorn, Hooton, Hoover, Horlings, Hornor, Hoskins, Howard, Hug, Hugstedt, Hunter, Huttema, Huxtable


Iles, Imbeau


Jackson, Jacobs, James, Janzen, Jeffrey, Jezewsky, Jim, John, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Joseph


Kafer, Kalina, Karsten, Keilty, Kennedy, Kinniburgh, Kitchen, Keehn, Kerr, Kilback, Kilpatrick, King, Kish, Klassen, Klawitter, Klick, Knibbecke, Koldyke, Kolnberger, Koopmans, Kormany, Kranz, Kumlea


Labatte, Laidlaw, Lainchbury, Lakey, Lancaster, Lanoue/Lanove, Lambert, Lapadat, Lariviere, Larsen, Lawson, Leach, Lecort, Letain, Lewis, Lillies, Lindsay, Lloyd, Lobley, Local, Logan, Lonnie, Loset, Love, Lovegrove, Low, Lowe, Lund, Lutz


MacDermid, MacDermott, MacLaurin, MacMillan, Mack, Magnall, Mah, Malkow, Marchildon, Marquis, Marr, Marshall, Mattson, Maze, McAfee, McAloney, McCreary, McDiarmid, McDonell, McDurtt (?), McElhanney, McGuire, McIntyre, McKnight, Meerdink, Mehr, Mellroy, Michell/Mitchell, Middleton, Millar, Miller, Miners (?), Misfeldt, Monhas, Montpas, Moore, Morgan, Morgan-Billingsley, Morris, Morrison, Moser, Moss, Mott, Mounsey, Mueller, Muldore, Munro/Munroe, Murdock, Murphy


Nama, Namox, Naziel, Naziel-Sutherland, Nedelec, Newman, Newton, Nikal, Nixon, Northup, Numan


Olsen/Olson, Olynyk, Onderwater, O’Neil/O’Neill, Oulton, Overstall


Paine, Palmer, Palumbo, Parent, Pelsma, Perez, Perrault, Perry, Peters, Peterson/Petersen, Pettett, Pfeiffer, Pflugbeil, Phallo, Pierce, Pinkerton, Poirier, Posche, Pow, Pratte, Prevost, Price, Prince, Provencal


Quanstrom, Quinn


Ramos, Ramsay-Schug, Rasmussen, Raymond, Read, Reid, Rensby-Wills, Rhebergen, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rodgers, Rose, Rowsell, Roy-Starr, Richmond, Rudkavich, Rumdrup, Ryan


Sabo, Sak, Sayachak, Sabastian/Sebastian, Schat, Schibli, Schraeder, Sharpe, Shiach, Shonna, Sikkes, Skinner, Smake, Smart, Smith, Somerson, Spicer, Stahel, Stam, Stan, Steven, Stoelwinder, Stokes, Struthers, Stronen (VikStronen?), Sutherland, Swift


Tait, Tansey, Tessier, Tielke, Tolton, Tom, Turko, Tyler


Utz, Uyterlinde


Van Damme, Vandenberg, Vanderheyden, Vanderdeen, Vandergaag, Vandermeulen, Vanderveen, Van Veldhuizen, Vis, Vroon


Walter, Wang, Warren, Watson, Watt/Watts, Wessel, Westergaard, Whalen, White, Wick, Widen, Wild (Wind?), Williams, Wilmot, Wilson, Woods, Wright


Yardley, Yates, Yeates, Yelich, Young


Zavaduk, Zechner